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April 17, 2024
I am Lisa Reinhart, speaking on behalf of the Alaska Mobility Coalition as its coordinator. I want to update you on our legislative priorities and lobbyists’ recent activities, supported by the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education and the Statewide Independent Living Council.
Concerning Legislative Priority 1. Support of a Human Services Transportation Grant Program:
The $1.25M ($1M Unrestricted General Funds and $250,000 Mental Health Trust Authority Recurring Receipts.), as recommended by the Trustees for the Human Services Transportation Grant Program, is currently safe in the Mental Health Budget, which the House passed last week. (This funding is called “Mental Health: Coordinated Transportation and Vehicles” by the Office of Management & Budget and “Coordinated Community Transportation” by the Trustees.] The Mental Health budget moved to the Senate Finance Subcommittee, and we expect it will support the Trustees’ recommendations.
Concerning Legislative Priority 2. Transit Match Funding $1M:
This year, the Alaska Mobility Coalition sought $1M in capital budget funds for transit matches so that communities and nonprofits could apply for federal infrastructure funds that require local matches. The Senate completed its work on the Capital Budget last week and included $7M to the Denali Commission (not the Department of Transportation) for non-federal match for infrastructure grants. This $7M is an increase of $2M more than they approved last year and can be applied for by communities and nonprofits seeking federal funds for projects that require a non-federal match, which is a mixed result for AMC. This increase corresponds to AMC lobbying and advocacy in Juneau for non-federal match. Still, instead of being set aside exclusively for transportation projects, the grant process will be more competitive since it will be open to all infrastructure projects, not just transit.
Concerning Legislative Priority 3. Public and Community Transportation Statute:
The language AMC and GCDSE shared with lawmakers concerning Public and Community Transportation in Statute during its mid-February fly-in is now proposed in legislation—HB355 Statewide Public & Community Transportation by Rep. Genevieve Mina (D-Anchorage). (You can call the bill on the state website.) The House Finance Committee will take PUBLIC TESTIMONY on the SB187 Capital Budget on Thursday, April 18 at 1:30 p.m.
We encourage you to call Representative McCabe at (907) 465-2679 and urge him to support and pass the bill from the committee. We encourage you to contact Representative Sarah Vance (907) 465 2689, who represents the Lower Kenai Peninsula, and ask her to support and pass House Bill 355, Statewide Public & Community Transit Plan.
Testify In Person or by Telephone:
Please testify that the House Finance Committee should add $1M to the state Department of Transportation’s transit match program.
The House Finance Committee will take PUBLIC TESTIMONY on the SB187 Capital Budget on Thursday, April 18 at 1:30 p.m.
- Anchorage 907-563-9085;
- Juneau 907-586-9085;
- and Statewide: 844-586-9085.
- Good afternoon, Mr. Co-Chair and members of the House Finance Committee.
- My name is __name___, I serve as _title__ at __org__ in _town___.
- __org__ provides ___XYZ___ services to __very briefly describe your mission and constituency___.
- I am calling to urge the House Finance Committee to add $1M to the Capital Budget to ensure that small communities and nonprofits can provide a non-federal match for federal transit projects.
- This funding, directed to the state Dept. of Transportation, would allow Alaskans, particularly those in small communities and nonprofits who serve seniors and people with disabilities, to realize the maximum value of federal infrastructure funds fully. [Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as “the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act (BIA)”]
- For example, [briefly give a local example of the need and explain how it can help people in your community, ex., a van for taking seniors to medical appointments.]
- In closing, __org__ urges you to provide $1M to the state DOT for transit match funding.
- I appreciate your consideration.
Concerning how you can help the Alaska Mobility Coalition:
Your support is crucial in advancing our legislative priorities and contributing to our efforts to advocate for community and public transportation. Take action and join us if you still need to. Reach me at (907) 343-9093, email, and visit our website
Best regards,
Lisa Reinhart, Alaska Mobility Coalition, Coordinator
P.O. Box 1612, Homer, Alaska 99603
T 907.343.9093: | E:
March 2024:
AMC Members and Colleagues,
Good afternoon. I want to relay a couple of opportunities to promote AMC’s legislative agenda that are coming up rather quickly.
1. Meet with your Anchorage and Fairbanks legislators MARCH 9, 2024:
If you are from the Anchorage area, attend the Anchorage Caucus Meeting at UAA Cuddy Hall tomorrow, March 9, from 2 to 4 p.m.
If you are from the Fairbanks area, attend the Fairbanks Caucus Meeting at the Fairbanks Legislative Information Office March 9, from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m.
2. Provide public testimony on the 2025 proposed budget in person or in writing this week, Tuesday through Thursday, MARCH 12 – 14:
Our primary “ask” concerns the Capital Transit Match funding (below). Still, please relate to your operations or programs, especially if you can talk about federal funding you have not been able to receive for lack of match funding or you are worried about that in the future:
- Transit Match Funding (DOT&PF) +$1,000,000 (GF) Before FY18, the State put in GF capital dollars to help transit providers with their local match requirements for various Federal transit program grants for operational support and capital equipment and facility purchases. This State investment helped leverage more than three times as much in Federal funds. There are currently significant Federal investments in community and public transit systems nationwide, and Alaska can access these Federal funds if they can produce the local match. Applicants must provide matching funds of 10%, 20%, and sometimes 50%, depending on the program. State funds are needed to ensure our local transit providers can access all the new federal funding for community transportation.
- Note: This is not currently in the Governor’s Capital budget, so you are asking legislators to support adding $1,000,000 for transit match funding.
BUDGET PUBLIC TESTIMONY for House Finance Committee
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, March 12-14, 2023
There is a two-minute limit for verbal public testimony, and all callers must be in the queue 30 minutes before the end of the allotted testimony time for their region. Submit written testimony to
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
2:30 p.m.-4:00pm: Statewide “Offnets”
5:00 p.m.-6:00pm: Juneau
6:00pm-7:00pm: Sitka, Petersburg, Delta Junction, Dillingham, Glennallen, Tok, “Offnets”
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
1:30pm-3:30pm: Homer, Kenai, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Seward, “Offnets”
5:00pm-7:00pm: Anchorage, Mat-Su, “Offnets”
Thursday, March 14, 2024
5:00 p.m.-6:00pm: Fairbanks
6:00pm-7:00pm: Bethel, Cordova, Kotzebue, Nome, Valdez, Wrangell, Utqiaqvik, “Offnets”
*Offnets are call-in opportunities for Alaskans without access to a Legislative Information Office (LIO) or for whom getting to an LIO is difficult.
Anchorage phones only: (907) 563-9085
Juneau phones only: (907) 586-9085
All phones outside Anchorage and Juneau: (844) 586-9085
- Call in 30 minutes before the end-time to be added to the list before they close it.
- Keep testimony under 2 minutes!!
- Introduce yourself, say where you’re from, and which budget items you support.
- If you need help getting to an LIO, use the call-in number and call during your community call-in time or the Offnet Sites options mentioned above.
- All Off-Net callers must hang up immediately after testifying but can continue to watch via Gavel to Gavel.
Thank you for your advocacy!
Best regards,
Lisa Reinhart, Alaska Mobility Coalition, Coordinator
PO Box 1612, Homer, Alaska 99603
T 907.343.9093: | E:
Contact Lisa Reinhart about events and updates at (907) 343-9093.