Save Date and Attend the Annual Meeting on November 12th, 2024, at 4:00 PM:
We have invited a guest speaker – Denali Commission Program Manager, Nikki Navio, to discuss how the Denali Commission works and the potential for our members to partner on projects:
- Topic: Alaska Mobility Coalition Annual Meeting
- Time: November 12, 2024, 04:00 PM Alaska, Board Members 03:45 PM Alaska
- Join Zoom Meeting:
- Meeting ID: 838 4095 9662
- Passcode: 540394
- One tap mobile: US: +12532050468,,83840959662# or +12532158782,,83840959662#
Zoom November 9, 2023
AMC Board and Annual Meeting
Millie called the meeting to order at 3:50 pm. Mille Ryan introduced the organization to the member body, and Patrick Reinhart shared history of the Alaska Mobility Coalition. Attendees were asked to introduce themselves. Present included: Athena Grimm, Bradley Parsons, Britt Hamre, Dave Fleurant, Eric Gurley, Eric Taylor, Gerry Hope, Jordan Marshall, Lisa Reinhart, Patrick Reinhart, Marianne Mills, Michelle Girault, Millie Ryan, Marge Stoneking, Stephanie Rose, Julius Adolfsson, and Stephanie Bushong.
Patrick presented AMC’s legislative priorities for discussion. Jordan Marshall shared his perspectives, including what he believes is possible with our lawmakers in coming and subsequent sessions. Millie invited attendees to ask questions. Millie invited input from the member body.
Patrick put a spotlight on our membership drive underway and called out to the body to think about organizations that should be a member of AMC, make an introduction, and let Lisa Reinhart know. Gerry Hope expressed thanks to Eric Taylor, who will be leaving DOT soon. Eric Taylor reminded us that the due date for Human Services and Public Transportation funding grants soon, but agencies would have had to put in a letter of intent to apply earlier in the fall.
The Annual Membership meeting concluded at 5:00 pm.
Contact Lisa Reinhart about our next annual meeting at (907) 343-9093.