October 15, 2024
Dear Member or Prospective Member,
I am Millie Ryan, President of the Alaska Mobility Coalition.
Thank you for your membership and interest in the work of our nonprofit organization, a statewide coalition formed to promote coordinated transportation options for residents and visitors of Alaska.
Last year, I wrote that we intended to advocate for community transit providers and users across Alaska vigorously, and we did. Not only did we engage a paid lobbyist last year, but our advocacy agenda was also adopted by the State Independent Living Council (SILC) and the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education (GCDSE), which met with members of the Governor’s administration, along with 56 legislators last year to support the following:
- $1.25 Million for Coordinated Human Services Transportation Grant Program through DOT: Capital funding passed for the Human Services Transportation Grant program for the FY 25 Budget with $250 K in Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority funding matched with $1 million in state general funds.
- $1.0 Million for Transit Match Funding: Although not specific to Community Transit, the Legislature approved an extra $2.0 million for federal infrastructure match funding to the Denali Commission. Since then, the leadership of AMC has met with the Denali Commission to discuss opportunities for our members to avail themselves of this match funding, and we are hopeful it will happen, especially for capital projects and purchases in rural areas of the state. Stay tuned as this opportunity gets flushed out, and we will be sure to let you know how and when to engage with the Commission for some of these funds.
- Putting Public and Community Transit into Statute: Our advocacy efforts worked, and a bill to do precisely this was sponsored by Rep. Mina and several co-sponsors, and the House Transportation Committee held a hearing. Still, the bill did not make it through the legislative process. After five years of trying, we felt this was a big win, and we are poised to bring it back during this Legislative Session, hopefully in both legislative bodies.
Save Date and Attend the Annual Meeting on November 12th at 4:00 PM:
We have invited a guest speaker – Denali Commission Program Manager, Nikki Navio, to discuss how the Denali Commission works and the potential for our members to partner on projects:
- Topic: Alaska Mobility Coalition Annual Meeting
- Time: November 12, 2024, 04:00 PM Alaska, Board Members 03:45 PM Alaska
- Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/83840959662
- Meeting ID: 838 4095 9662
- Passcode: 540394
- One tap mobile: US: +12532050468,,83840959662# or +12532158782,,83840959662#
Please continue to help us advocate for the transportation needs of Alaskans!
- Renew your membership via the enclosed invoice or online through our website: https://alaskamobility.org/about/president-message/join-online/
- Help us grow our active members through your sphere of influence. Which individual and what organization are you engaged with who should support AMC?
- Join the board. We are looking for a few new board members to fill vacant seats, so if you are interested, let us know!
Visit Our Website
Our website is an easy read about our organization and legislative priorities, with event updates, links to active member websites, subscribing online, and more: https://alaskamobility.org/. Contact our Coordinator, Lisa Reinhart, for assistance. Her phone is 907.343.9093, email alaskamobilitycoaltion.com.
Warm regards,
Millie Ryan, President, Alaska Mobility Coalition